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School of Biblical Studies


The School of Biblical Studies is central to the mission and purpose of New Day Mercies Bible Institute, Inc. It provides quality education for future pastors, counselors, evangelists, teachers, missionaries, and other Christian workers.

The School of Biblical provides the nucleus around which all other programs revolve. Its influence is realized throughout our institution as it adds to the distinctive Christian atmosphere.


The School of Biblical Studies is designed for those Christian men and· women who desire to further their biblical knowledge. This program provides a biblical education with specific disciplines.


A specific degree in Biblical Studies seeks: 

  • To provide the student with learning experiences needed to equip the student for the finest service to God and to the student fellow man;


  • To provide the student with a well-balanced general education as well as the opportunity for detailed study leading to a Bible major;


  • To provide the student with an opportunity to study and learn the doctrines and practices of New Testament Christianity;


  • To provide the student with the knowledge which will enhance the student understanding of the sovereignty of God in the student’s life, the redeeming power of Jesus Christ, and the purpose of the student service to God and to humanity


  • To aid the student in the development of a Christian philosophy of life and to assist the student in developing Christian standards of moral and ethical conduct;


  • To assist the student in finding their purpose in God's plan whether the student seek to be a pastor, missionary or dedicated layperson.

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